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Enable C Extension for gensim on Windows · KK's Blog (fromkk)

These days, I’m working on some text classification works, and I use gensim ’s doc2vec function.
When using gensim, it shows this warning message:
C extension not loaded for Word2Vec, training will be slow.
I search this on Internet and found that gensim has rewrite some part of the code using cython rather than numpy to get better performance. A compiler is required to enable this feature.
I tried to install mingw and add it into the path, but it’s not working.


Original author: Sangyoung Kwak @sangyoungkwak
Original date: 2018-08-07T07:34:44Z

Could you show me exact command and program path.
I did try but failed.

Original author: kk @hungerkk
Original date: 2018-08-07T07:54:26Z

There is no command. It's painful to config a compiler on Windows. Try install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 in default path and reinstall gensim. Here is the link https://visualstudio.micros...

Original author: kk @hungerkk
Original date: 2018-08-07T08:06:22Z

pip uninstall gensim and pip install --no-cache-dir gensim

Original author: Sangyoung Kwak @sangyoungkwak
Original date: 2018-08-08T09:02:17Z

I downloaded 'whl' file from
and I showed '0' when run 'print(word2vec.FAST_VERSION)'
thank you anyway. and I will try your way