- 1
i got an error with this json to xml
#54 opened by yxxbest - 1
Getting compilation error on Yylex constructor in JsonStreamFactoryImpl file
#55 opened by arindam0006in - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Getting "element has children or text" error on a JSON to XML transformation from a well formed JSON generated by Staxon from an XML
#49 opened by ppazos - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
java.lang.NumberFormatException during parsing decimal value with big exponent
#44 opened by AntonMykolaienko - 1
duplicate key potential issue with XML to JSON
#42 opened by plus- - 4
Create JSON output without $ for text
#1 opened by jlcheng - 1
- 13
Bug when XML has \n in it!
#38 opened by victornoel - 2
- 2
- 10
- 0
- 2
#36 opened by MichaelLoveUSA - 1
- 3
- 3
Handling Empty JSON Array in generated XML
#34 opened by manjunadigar - 1
Issue converting xml to json
#33 opened by MichaelLoveUSA - 5
Issue writing xml result
#31 opened by mavencode01 - 1
exception while handaling array within array
#30 opened by rajeevaec - 1
Older version compliant to Jdk1.5?
#26 opened by LionelPJ - 0
char array positioning error in getTextCharacters
#24 opened by palek - 3
- 1
Support for XML mixed content
#22 opened by jlevy - 5
- 2
namespace prefix
#21 opened by ianhuynh - 2
convert empty array
#19 opened by mheijink - 2
Converting to valid element names
#18 opened by davidallan - 5
The JSON to XML conversion generate a file encoded in ISO-8859-1 and the reconversion to XML crash on special characters (like é,à,è) cause the converter expects UTF-8
#16 opened by loclamor - 2
Converting XML to JSON with empty CDATA
#15 opened by maheshh14 - 1
xsi:schemaLocation attribute mapped even when JsonXMLOutputFactory.PROP_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS set to false
#14 opened by genjosanzo - 3
- 0
Add "autoPrimitive" output property
#12 opened by beckchr - 2
JsonXMLStreamReader.getVersion() returns always null
#11 opened by gub - 0
update dependency to Jackson 2
#9 opened by beckchr - 1
- 5
- 3
- 1
Runtime Exception thrown when writing JSON from JSON Reader that throws XMLStreamException
#8 opened by velodiver - 1
- 1
- 1
another issue
#3 opened by lianchong