
WS server doesn't work for me

andtsarenko opened this issue · 2 comments

Here is client code, that I've run on my PC

 var url = 'ws://';
    var socket = new WebSocket(url);
    socket.onopen = function() {"opened");

    socket.onclose = function(event) {
        if (event.wasClean) {
        } else {
  'dirty closed');

    socket.onmessage = function(event) {"data" +;

    socket.onerror = function(error) {"error " + error.message);

Here is code that I'm running in cordova app on android:

wsserver.start(3004, {
        // WebSocket Server handlers
        'onFailure' :  function(addr, port, reason) {
            console.log('Stopped listening on %s:%d. Reason: %s', addr, port, reason);
        // Other options
        'origins' : [ 'file://' ], // validates the 'Origin' HTTP Header.
        'protocols' : [ 'my-protocol-v1', 'my-protocol-v2' ], // validates the 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' HTTP Header.
        'tcpNoDelay' : true // enable/disable Nagle's algorithm. false by default.
    }, function onStart(addr, port) {
        console.log('Listening on %s:%d', addr, port, arguments);
    }, function onDidNotStart(reason) {
        console.log('Did not start. Reason: %s', reason);

IP of my mobile device is
on mobile device (WS server) the only console message that I retrieve is:

Listening on :::3004

On my client im retriving nothing but closing event with err code 1006

Mobile device Nexus 6p android 7.1.1
Cordova v6.5.0

Please remove the 'other options' if you don't understand or don't need them.
And please close this issue when it's working. Thank you.

Thanks for you reply.