
This ToolBox give you some routines in assembler 6502/6510 to copy data in your C64 memory.


Here, you can find some tools in assembler 6502 for Commodore 64.


This library, contains some routine to make copy in memory.


memCopy source,dest,count

  • source (16bits)
  • dest (16bits)
  • count (16bits)

Set the address source and destination of copy. Count contains number of byte you want copy.

  • Source is store in address $02 and $03 (low/high)
  • Dest is store in address $fb and $fc (low/high)
  • Count is store in address $fd and $fe (low/high)


	lda #$00 ; source $0400 top of default screen of C64
	sta $02
	lda #$04
	sta $03

	lda #$e0 ; destination $05E0 ( 13 lines under ) 
	sta $fb
	lda #$05
	sta $fc 

	lda #$a0 ; number of bytes $a0 ( 4*40 -> 4 lines)
	sta $fd
	lda #$00
	sta $fe

	jsr memCopy


!source "libs/memtools.a"
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This routine is like memCopy but with modulo. See below :

Source data:

      [------ line size (number of bytes -------]   ; Here 11 bytes
.byte $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80   ; line 0
.byte $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80   ; line 1
.byte $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80   ; line 2
.byte $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80   ; line 3

; here count = 4*11

Result on screen:

|                             |
|      ------ <-----------modu| 
|lo--->|data|                 |
|      |    |                 |
|      ------                 |
|                             |
|                             |

Here modulo is number of bytes between the end of first line and the beginning of the second line 

memCopyMod source,dest,count

  • source (16bits)
  • dest (16bits)
  • count (16bits)
  • linesize (16bits)
  • modulo (16bits)

initialize memCopyMod

  • Source is store in address $02 and $03 (low/high)
  • Dest is store in address $fb and $fc (low/high)
  • Count is store in address $fd and $fe (low/high)
  • line size is store in address $62 and $63
  • modulo is store in address $66 and $67



COL = 20
ROW = 6

	lda #<mydata 
	sta $02
	lda #>mydata
	sta $03

	lda #<($0400+(40*ROW+COL)) ; destination on column 20 and row 6
	sta $fb
	lda #>($0400+(40*ROW+COL))
	sta $fc 

	lda #<(enddata-mydata)  ; number of bytes 
	sta $fd
	lda #>(enddata-mydata)
	sta $fe

	lda #<(sl-mydata)		; linesize
	sta $62
	lda #>(sl-mydata)
	sta $63

	lda #<(40-(sl-mydata))		; modulo
	sta $66
	lda #>(40-(sl-mydata))
	sta $67

	jsr memCopyMod


!source "libs/memtools.a"	


	!text "  *****  "
sl:	!text " *     * " 
	!text "*  ^ ^  *"
	!text " * 0 0 * "
   	!text " *  o  * "
    	!text " *     * "
    	!text "  *****  "
    	!text "   * *   "
    	!text "   * *   "
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memFill value,dest,count

  • value (8bits)
  • dest (16bits)
  • count (16bits)

This routine fill memory of value n.

  • Value is store in address $02
  • Dest is store in address $fb and $fc (low/high)
  • Count is store in address $fd and $fe (low/high)


!to "PRG/mem.prg", cbm


COL = 0
ROW = 10


	lda #32+128 ;INVERT SPACE CHAR 
	sta $02

	lda #<($0400+(40*(ROW))+COL) ; destination $05E0
	sta $fb
	lda #>($0400+(40*(ROW))+COL)
	sta $fc 

	lda #<(40*4)  ; number of bytes $a0
	sta $fd
	lda #>(40*4)
	sta $fe

	jsr memFill


!source "libs/memtools.a"

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This routine read data from the memory source and write in destination value from a map table. The map table is array with size of 256 bytes

Imagine source data :


Map table is :


Result is destination is :


  • source (16bits)
  • dest (16bits)
  • count (16bits)
  • mapTbale (16 bits)

Set the address source and destination of copy. Count contains number of byte you want copy. Maptable contains the values to convert from source.

  • Source is store in address $02 and $03 (low/high)
  • Dest is store in address $fb and $fc (low/high)
  • Count is store in address $fd and $fe (low/high)
  • MapTbale is store in address $62 and $63 (low/high)



COL = 20
ROW = 6


	lda #<mydata 
	sta $02
	lda #>mydata
	sta $03

	lda #<($0400+(40*ROW+COL)) ; destination on column 20 and row 6
	sta $fb
	lda #>($0400+(40*ROW+COL))
	sta $fc 

	lda #<(enddata-mydata)  ; number of bytes 
	sta $fd
	lda #>(enddata-mydata)
	sta $fe

	lda #<(sl-mydata)		; linesize
	sta $62
	lda #>(sl-mydata)
	sta $63

	lda #<(40-(sl-mydata))		; modulo
	sta $66
	lda #>(40-(sl-mydata))
	sta $67

	jsr memCopyMod

	lda #$00 ; source $0400 top of default screen of C64
	sta $02
	lda #$04
	sta $03

	lda #$00 ; destination $D800  (color ram)
	sta $fb
	lda #$D8
	sta $fc 

	lda #$e8 ; number of bytes $3e8 (number of caractère in a screen 40x25) 
	sta $fd
	lda #$03
	sta $fe

	lda #<mapTable
	sta $62
	lda #>mapTable
	sta $63

  	jsr memMapper


	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F

	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F

	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F

	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F
	!byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0F

!source "libs/memtools.a"	


	!text "  *****  "
sl:	!text " *     * " 
	!text "*  ^ ^  *"
	!text " * 0 0 * "
   	!text " *  o  * "
	!text " *     * "
	!text "  *****  "
	!text "   * *   "
	!text "   * *   "
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