
Example repo for student submissions

Primary LanguageC

Conway's Game of Life


[A good approach to creating the README is to take a stab at it before coding, and then fix it up after coding.]

[You may add additional sections to this file if applicable, e.g. ## Deploying or any other information that a user might find instructive.]


[How to build the program. VS Code part is optional.]

Command line:

  • make to build. An executable called clife will be produced.
  • make clean to clean up all build products except the executable.
  • make pristine to clean up all build products entirely.

VS Code:

  • The default build task runs make.


[List files here, even if you only have one. Headers are optional.]

  • main.c: The main code to launch the game
  • life.c: Code specific to Conway's Life
  • display.c: Code to related to display
  • sysdetect.h: Some macros for detecting system capabilities


[Description of the main data used in the program. Just list the major data structures—not every variable.]

There is an 80x24 2D array of Booleans that represents the cells, in row-major order. Additionally, there's a second parallel array used to double-buffer during the next generation computation.

If an array element is True, the cell is alive, otherwise it's dead.


[This is a tree of functions and their short descriptions]

  • main()
    • init()
      • life_init(): Initializes the cell array to random
        • grid_alloc(): Allocate space for the cell grid
        • randomize(): Randomize the contents of the cell grid
      • display_init(): Initializes the display
        • clear_screen()
    • run(): Main game running routine
      • life_update(): Update cell data
        • update_cell(): updates a cell based on its neighbors
          • get_neighbor_count(): counts neighbors for a cell
      • life_get_cells(): Get cell status
      • display_update(): Display cells
        • home_cursor()
      • delay(): Delay between frames
    • life_shutdown(): Call before destruction (currently unreachable)
      • grid_free(): Free cell grid memory


[Any additional notes, bugs, etc.]

  • ^C to quit.
  • life_init() should allow different kinds of initializations, not just random.
  • UI could be added so the user could draw patterns.
  • Maybe add some preprogrammed patterns, spaceships, etc.
  • Bug: display totally messed up on screens smaller than 80x24