See My LEGO Macintosh Classic with Raspberry Pi and e-paper display and Experimenting with asyncio on a Raspberry Pi
Lego Digital Designer
The LEGO building instructions can be found under the ldd directory.
Ansible playbooks
This repository includes 2 playbooks:
- epd-demo.yml (to install a simple Clock demo)
- playbook.yml (to install aiolegomac)
Roles variables
traefik_image: arm32v6/traefik:v1.6 aiolegomac_image: beenje/aiolegomac pigpiod_image: beenje/pigpiod traefik_network: traefik-network traefik_debug: "false" # Accepted values, in order of severity: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "PANIC" traefik_log_level: ERROR traefik_dashboard_port: 8080 traefik_domain: traefik_letsencrypt_email: "" # Use the let's encrypt staging server by default # Set to true to use the production environment traefik_letsencrypt_production: false aiolegomac_port: 7777 aiolegomac_network: aiolegomac-network aiolegomac_hostname: aiolegomac_username: username aiolegomac_password: password aiolegomac_jwt_secret: secret aiolegomac_jwt_exp_delta_seconds: 604800 aiolegomac_timezone: 'Europe/Stockholm'
Clone the repository:
$ git clone $ cd legomac
Edit the hosts file to set the hostname of your Raspberry Pi. Create a host_vars/<hostname> file to modify the needed variables.
Run the playbook:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts -k playbook.yml
Note that the epd-demo.yml playbook doesn't include any variables.