
respect UNISON environment variable for PRF location

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 0 comments

I've started testing Winison - excellent contribution to Unison usability BTW! 

However I've got an existing setup working already, and would like to avoid 
having to manually copy profile files back and forth - which is after all the 
whole point right?

The problem is I've set a customized profiles directory location pointed to by 
the UNISON environment variable.

In my opinion, Winison should check that and automatically store and retrieve 
the PRF files from there.

It seems to be hard-coded to use the "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\.unison", which is 
indeed Unison's default, but Unison itself looks to the UNISON variable if the 
user wants to set that explicitly.

Current Winison version running on W7 SP1 (but I believe this has nothing to do 
with the other Windows 7 idiosyncrasies.

Original issue reported on by on 16 Aug 2011 at 3:17