
beerJS Ryazan

viacheslav-ignatov opened this issue · 1 comments

New Chapter Request

What will you repo be named?

Who will be your admins?
@acidking @kitos @margalencia

Do you have twitter handles I can include in announcing your new chapter?
maybe later )

Welcome to BeerJS!

Here is your new branch repo:

Make sure you read and adhere to the Citizen Code of Conduct

You now are apart of a team that has write access to this repo. Accept your Github invite to this BeerJS team if you want to push code to this repo ;)

Please create a new issue if you want to add additional contributors to this repository. Below are some suggestions to help you get you community up and running:

  1. Update your file. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Here is the one I made as an example. You are more than welcome to take all, any, or none of the info from any chapter's README file.

  2. Create an issue for your first meeting then find ways to share it. You can do this at work, coffee shops, hang a flier, use Facebook, or whatever.

  3. Be consistent with your events. Having one then skipping will not contribute to building momentum for your BeerJS. Don't get discouraged if you have super small events. Still now, I will have events with as little 3 people and as much as 20.

  4. Submit a pull request for beerjs/meta and add your location to the locations.geojson file.

  5. Join our slack channel and keep in touch.

  6. Feel free to direct message me on twitter @jordanpapaleo :)

