
Question about "Tracks"

canpolat opened this issue · 4 comments

I have two questions about the "Tracks" API:

  1. I see that album is a required field. But there can be tracks that are not in an album (mostly thinking about single songs released online without being compiled in an album).
  2. I understad keeping the required fields at a minimum, but optional fields seem to lack things like composer, album artist, etc. Are these supposed to be implemented in other/complementary specifications?

That's a good point about album. I'll move this to an optional field. I'm also unsure about the field name, since it could cause confusion with the link to an album resource—maybe it should be called album-title or similar?

Those are two good examples of fields we should include. I mostly did an initial brainstorm, hoping that helpful people like you would come along and suggest the fields I neglected to include. 😃 I'll add both of these. If I give you commit permissions, would you mind adding other reasonable-seeming fields you can think of to the optional list?

If I give you commit permissions, would you mind adding other reasonable-seeming fields you can think of to the optional list?

Sure, I'll send pull requests for those two first. And then see if I can think of anything else.

Edit: I just noticed you already patched it.

Sorry for beating you to it. 😇
