
AURA clients

jackwilsdon opened this issue · 6 comments

Are there any music players which can use AURA as a library source?

Even though it might not seem like it, AURA is still to early in its process to have any real, solid implementations. 😢 I’d love to change that, but I think it will have to start with:

  • Finalizing a few details in the initial spec,
  • Adding a compliant server to beets, and
  • Building a prototype client ourselves that can be used as an example.

All of this would be fun to work on...

Regarding finalizing details, what exactly needs finalizing? I'm interested in getting together some form of (web-based?) "toy" client.

Good question. I know all of these seem really small, but here’s what’s been floating around in my mind needing to be addressed:

  • Sync up with the latest JSON API spec. This spec was in flux when I originally drafted the first version.
  • A consistent naming convention for the fields. (Underscores or dashes? Separator or no separator between words, like tracktotal or track_total?)
  • Revisit the images endpoints (c.f. #3). The discussion there describes the potential for a top-level, flat pool of image files—I don’t know whether that’s a good idea, but we should decide one way or the other.
  • Start drafting a streaming extension based on server-sent events. (The idea would be to let servers push metadata changes to the client.) This is not required at all to get a basic client going, but designing it might help inform the basic API.

That’s it! I really like the idea of putting together a toy, web-based client. I’d be thrilled to help out.

Per the second bullet, I'm in favor of underscores for fields. I find that it increases readability.

olá gostaria de participar do projeto. eu nunca participei de um projeto open source. e eu realmente estava procurando algo assim. gostaria de saber mais detalhes sobre o projeto. ele tem uma área de administração para incluir as musicas ou ele é baseado em algum em algum script de busca automática e cruzamento de dados ? ele é em node.js ? qual banco que ele trabalha ? não sei o quanto eu poderia ajudar, só tentando msm. :) .

Hello! We'd be happy to have your help, but I unfortunately do not speak Portuguese.