Cretae config from template
palto42 opened this issue · 5 comments
Is there a way to create a yaml config file from a defined template dict like the one in /eample/
The use case is to generate a new config file to start with if there is no configuration file defined yet.
config.dump() only dumps the currently loaded config, but I can't find an option how to dump a template dict.
Hello! What would a "template dict" look like? Would all the values be missing? I'm not 100% clear on how this would work.
The file generated would have the default values if defined in the template dict or empty values , if possible the expected type as comment.
From this example template dict:
template = {
'library': confuse.Filename(default='/some/'),
'import_write': confuse.OneOf([bool, 'ask', 'skip'], default=False),
'ignore': confuse.StrSeq(),
'plugins': list,
'paths': {
'directory': confuse.Filename(),
'default': confuse.Filename(relative_to='directory'),
'servers': confuse.Sequence(
'hostname': confuse.String(default="localhost",
'options': confuse.StrSeq(),
This should create a file like:
library: /some/ # Filename
import_write: False # OneOf([bool, 'ask', 'skip'])
ignore: # StrSeq
plugins: # list
directory: # Filename
default: # Filename(relative_to='directory')
- hostname: localhost # str
options: # strSeq
Aha! To directly answer your question, no, we don't currently have anything like that. It actually seems pretty hard to do, because the resulting value-less config file isn't valid YAML—so we couldn't use a straightforward yaml.dump
. Perhaps worth considering if there's a clever way to do it!
I think this is a great suggestion. I've just started using confuse
in a toy project and what's irking me is that it kinda feels that using a template is the right thing to do as it allows for validation and lets me access validated config values like this: valid.some.option
instead of the more cumbersome config['some']['option'].get()
, but now I have two places that I basically need to keep in sync:
definition in my code
If this issue were to somehow be addressed, the default config could be generated as a part of some build process or via a git hook, and the template
becomes the one place where the configuration is defined.
Perhaps I'm doing it wrong and focusing too much on the template
, but to me, it seems like the best way to use this library.
A validation template could possibly generate an appropriate minimum config file but I doubt it could produce a good default config file. It wouldn't, for example, generate the comments you would expect in a config file that explains the meaning of each parameter.
For my projects, I write the config_default.yaml
, then the validation template.
When the program starts, if a config.yaml
cannot be found, I copy config_default.yaml
to the user directory and tell the user to configure it :) The config_default.yaml
file guarantees the program can run properly, the config.yaml
file customizes the behavior.