
No output after running

tlindsay8 opened this issue · 7 comments

Expected Behavior

Hey I'm a first time contributor, I typed print("Hello World") in the browser and expected it to be in the console browser.

Current Behavior

When I clicked the run code button nothing appeared in the console output area.

Steps to reproduce

Your Environment

  • Python Version (list the specific version number)
    Python version 3.5.2

  • Operating System and Version (select from the following and list the specific version number; if your OS is not listed, list that as well)

    • OSX
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • [16.04 LTS ] Ubuntu

@tlindsay8 Thanks for the report. We need a bit more detail to help diagnose what is going on here.

When you say console, do you mean the Javascript console, or the console part of the webpage?

You say you're not getting errors in the console - are you getting anything?

@freakboy3742 I mean the console part of the webpage. I was not getting anything.

@tlindsay8 Right - in which case, you need to look to the Javascript console. If there is something going wrong at runtime, any errors will show up there.

@freakboy3742 I'm getting this error:
ReferenceError: batavia is not defined[Learn More] localhost:8000: 412:5

@tlindsay8 Right - that sounds like something has gone wrong in the install phase, and you've missed (or ignored) an error message.

If you delete the node_modules directory and then re-run the npm run build step, that should clean up the problem - however, you'll need to check that you've got the right versions of Node and NPM. If you don't, you'll get an error building the batavia library, which would result in the error you've seen.

Were you able to get running by redoing the npm run build step, @tlindsay8? It looks like that step didn't complete successfully and batavia.js wasn't available from your error description.

I'm going to close this for now. If you can reproduce this still, please reopen the issue.