Convert Pandas to Javascript?
abalter opened this issue · 2 comments
If I compiled the entire Pandas library (or scipy, statsmodels, numpy, etc.) down to bytecode, would it run in Batavia? Could I then call it directly with JS?
@abalter Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple. Numerical processing libraries (like scipy and numpy) contain some Python code, but the core of the logic is implemented in C. Batavia is a pure Bytecode machine - it can't do anything with C code.
If you're interested in running NumPy etc in the browser, you may want to look into Pyodide. Pyodide uses WASM to compile both the Python interpreter and the C module code into web assembly, which means it can run in the browser.
@freakboy3742 Makes sense. I sort of knew that, but I wasn't sure if the core still somehow ended up running on the python virtual machine.