Create hours ranges for your week in e-smith including "closing hours" as:
for day_of_week in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do /sbin/e-smith/db /var/lib/nethserver/db/weekly-hours set $day_of_week timing 1 8:00 2 9:00 3 10:00 4 11:00 5 12:00 close1 13:30 6 14:00 7 15:00 8 16:00 9 17:00 10 18:00 close2 19:00; done
Define some firewall objects as "iprange" starting with
Define some firewall rules that match those "iprange" as Src
Place this directory in
of your NethSecurity firewall
and ... enjoy!
Rules may not be applied synchronously, because there is a (inotify) trigger when the plan is updated. The trigger checks if it is the time of updating firewall rules, in that case, it sleeps 1 minute and then apply the new plan.
When the plan is updated, the script update-plan.py
creates systemd timers corresponding to services
(ending with '@')
all created in/etc/systemd/system/
: 15 mins before starting hourfwrules-disable
: 15 mins after ending hour
Services then are invoked with rules list separated by comma as aliases (i.e.: fwrules-enable@2,3,4 to enable rules 2 and 3 and 4)
And they in turn calls the script bin/apply-rules.py [enable|disable] [rules1,..,rulesN]
yum install python-pip
pip install python-inotify
#1. Add users to a dedicated group (i.e: "docenti")
#2. Copy 99_nethserver_fwrules.sudoers
in /etc/sudoers.d/99_nethserver_fwrules
(WARNING: remove ".sudoers" extension)
#Optional: if you want to enable all rules at midnight
#3. Copy nethserver_fwrules.cron
in /etc/cron.d/nethserver_fwrules