
a site invitation app for Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pinax Invitations

CircleCi Codecov

Table of Contents

About Pinax

Pinax is an open-source platform built on the Django Web Framework. It is an ecosystem of reusable Django apps, themes, and starter project templates. This collection can be found at http://pinaxproject.com.

Important Links

Where you can find what you need:



pinax-invitations is a site invitation app for Django.


  • django-user-accounts
  • django-appconf

Supported Django and Python Versions

Django / Python 3.6 3.7 3.8
2.2 * * *
3.0 * * *



To install pinax-invitations:

    $ pip install pinax-invitations

Add pinax.invitations to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

        # other apps

Add settings as needed to customize pinax-invitation’s default behavior for your website.

Add pinax.invitations.urls to your project urlpatterns:

    urlpatterns = [
        # other urls
        url(r"^invitations/", include("pinax.invitations.urls", namespace="pinax_invitations")),


Integrating pinax-invitations into your project involves using template tags and wiring up javascript. The invite form is intended to function via AJAX and as such returns JSON. Incorporate eldarion-ajax for markup-based AJAX handling that works out of the box. Note you can use another AJAX handling library if needed.

pinax-theme-bootstrap is a semi-optional dependency. The only reason it is required is the included _invite_form.html renders the form through the as_bootstrap filter. If you override this template in your project, you obviously remove this requirement in context of this app.

Get started by adding the following blocks to your templates to expose an invite form and display to the user a list of who they have invited:

{% load pinax_invitations_tags %}

<div class="invites">
    {% invite_form request.user %}

    <div class="sent">
        <h3>Invitations Sent</h3>
        {% invites_sent request.user %}

Then if you have an account bar somewhere at the top of your screen which shows the user if they were logged in or not, you might include this tag to show the number of invites remaining for a user:

{% load pinax_invitations_tags %}

{% invites_remaining user %}

You’ll then need to include eldarion-ajax:




Defines the default expiration period for invitations in hours. This setting is currently the only way to specify the expiration date of invitations.

Default: 168 (seven days)


Defines the default number of invites that new users are allocated when they signup. In order to enable unlimited invitations, set this to -1.

Default: 0


These signals are sent from JoinInvitation and provides a single keyword argument, "invitation" which is the relevant instance of JoinInvitation.


Sent immediately after the invitation is sent.


Sent immediately after invitation acceptance has been processed.


Sent when someone signs up using the same email address that exists for an invitation and they confirm that email address.

Management Commands


Adds invites to all users with 0 invites remaining.

manage.py add_invites 10  # Adds 10 new invites to all users with 0 invites remaining


Gives all users unlimited invites.

manage.py infinite_invites


Ensures all users have at least a certain number of invites.

manage.py topoff_invites 10  # Ensure all users have at least 10 invites


Four different views handle POSTs via AJAX with a single variable, amount. These views help administrators manage invites from a front-end dashboard. Responses sent from these views conform to eldarion-ajax markup-based standards.

All views require the user permission pinax_invitations.manage_invites. The largest use case is already be covered in that any user with "staff" or "superuser" privileges supersedes the need for this explicit permission.


Tops off all users with at least amount invites.

URL: pinax_invitations:topoff_all


    "inner-fragments": {
        ".invite-total": amount


Tops off {{ user.pk }} with at least amount invites.

URL: pinax_invitations:topoff_user user.pk


    "html": amount


Adds number invites to all users.

URL: pinax_invitations:addto_all


    "inner-fragments": {
        ".amount-added": amount


Adds number invites to {{ user.pk }}.

URL: pinax_invitations:addto_user user.pk


    "inner-fragments": {
        ".html": amount


Returns a rendered pinax/invitations/_invite_stat.html fragment (supplied by the site developer) to render an InvitationStat object for the user.pk provided to the template as the context variable stat.

The intended target for this view is an element with data-refresh-url (processed by eldarion-ajax).

URL: pinax_invitations:invite_stat user.pk


    "html": <rendered pinax/invitations/_invite_stat.html>  # provided by site developer


pinax-invitations uses minimal template snippets rendered with template tags.

Default templates are provided by the pinax-templates app in the invitations section of that project.

Reference pinax-templates installation instructions to include these templates in your project.

View live pinax-templates examples and source at Pinax Templates!

Customizing Templates

Override the default pinax-templates templates by copying them into your project subdirectory pinax/invitations/ on the template path and modifying as needed.

For example if your project doesn't use Bootstrap, copy the desired templates then remove Bootstrap and Font Awesome class names from your copies. Remove class references like class="btn btn-success" and class="icon icon-pencil" as well as bootstrap from the {% load i18n bootstrap %} statement. Since bootstrap template tags and filters are no longer loaded, you'll also need to update {{ form|bootstrap }} to {{ form }} since the "bootstrap" filter is no longer available.


A snippet that renders the invite form as well as a div to hold the contents of the response from the form AJAX submission.


An unordered list of people you have invited that is linked to their profile when they join the site.


Fragment displays how many invites a particular user has.

Change Log


  • Drop Django 1.11, 2.0, and 2.1, and Python 2,7, 3.4, and 3.5 support
  • Add Django 2.2 and 3.0, and Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 support
  • Update packaging configs
  • Direct users to community resources


  • Replace deprecated context_instance=RequestContext(r) kwarg with request=r kwarg
  • Add InviteView smoke tests
  • Add form test


  • Add django>=1.11 to requirements
  • Update CI config
  • Improve documentation markup


  • Standardize documentation layout
  • Drop Django v1.8, v1.10 support
  • Copy documentation from kaleo


  • Add Django 2.0 compatibility testing
  • Drop Django 1.9 and Python 3.3 support
  • Convert CI and coverage to CircleCi and CodeCov
  • Add PyPi-compatible long description


  • update function views to CBVs

4.0.0 - 4.0.4

  • package version updates


  • Rename templatetag library from invitations_tags to pinax_invitations_tags


  • Import error when importing login_required decorator


  • Set default_app_config to point to the correct AppConfig
  • Remove compat module that provided compatibility with old Django versions
  • Pin to initial migration for django-user-accounts
  • Bump DUA dependency
  • Fix typo in setup.py url
  • Remove placeholder text from readme and fix badges
  • Add Django migrations
  • Move templates into pinax-theme-bootstrap


  • Initial release as pinax-invitations.


Eldarion’s kaleo app was donated to Pinax and renamed pinax-invitations.


Contributing information can be found in the Pinax community health file repo.

Code of Conduct

In order to foster a kind, inclusive, and harassment-free community, the Pinax Project has a Code of Conduct. We ask you to treat everyone as a smart human programmer that shares an interest in Python, Django, and Pinax with you.

Connect with Pinax

For updates and news regarding the Pinax Project, please follow us on Twitter @pinaxproject and check out our Pinax Project blog.


Copyright (c) 2012-present James Tauber and contributors under the MIT license.