
begin dev output

brianleroux opened this issue · 0 comments

current is better than before but still has a lot of extra information that isn't absolutely necessary

#! begin dev
Begin dev server (0.5.2)

✓ Sandbox @tables created in local database
✓ Sandbox @http (HTTP API mode / Lambda proxy v2.0 format / live reload) routes
    get /_public/* ........................ node_modules/@enhance/arc-plugin-enhance/src/http/get-_public-catchall
    any /* ................................ node_modules/@enhance/arc-plugin-enhance/src/http/any-catchall


✓ Sandbox Started in 44ms
❤︎ Local environment ready!

⚬ Sandbox Running 1 Sandbox startup plugin
✓ Sandbox Ran Sandbox startup plugin in 15ms
✓ Sandbox File watcher now looking for project changes

can we get it down to this?

#! begin dev
❤︎ Local environment ready! http://localhost:3333