
Parallel Install to keep my normal vim for everything else?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This project seems great, but I use vim for nearly everything, and can't afford to have my normal config blown away.

Is there a way to install this such that I can open vim in "haskell-vim-now" mode when I'm writing haskell, but keep normal vim for everything else? I don't mind having to open vim with special flags at the command line to achieve this.


I admit that this project is pretty opinionated and takes over the vim config. One thing you can do is add your own configuration to ~/.config/haskell-vim-now/vimrc.local which gets loaded after the default project settings. That will allow you to override settings with your own preferences. Also you can install your own choice of plugins in ~/.config/haskell-vim-now/plugins.vim. (There's a section in the readme about customization.)

Do you think this is what you need, or are you desiring something more?

Thanks for the reply.

I am desiring something more -- or perhaps less. What I want to do may be better answered as a pure vim question, in that I want the ability to have, essentially, 2 vim installs (or 2 entire configs, with their own vimrc, plugins, etc). 1 would be "haskell-vim-now" and 1 would be exactly what my personal vim is now.

You could do it with a symlink, which is how haskell-vim-now works. By default it sets:

~/.vimrc -> ~/.config/haskell-vim-now/.vimrc
~/.vim -> ~/.config/haskell-vim-now/.vim

Just point them at your config instead when you want. Could create mvim (aka "my vim") as a shell script that does that.

And then you would set the plugin directories inside the different .vimrcs...

Ok, I can probably figure something out. Thanks.

Cool. I'll close this issue. Feel free to comment if you run into any problems along the way with this approach.

Also feel free to comment with exactly what you did @jonahx to make it work for you. Could be useful for others. :)