
Provided Twitter dataset parsing error

michalilski opened this issue · 3 comments

Parsing the provided Twitter data with parse_raw_tweets_to_cascades function throws: Error in retweet_id[-1] - retweet_id[-length(retweet_id)]: non-numeric argument to binary operator in line:

processed_tweets[, diff := c(bit64::as.integer64('-1'), retweet_id[-1] - retweet_id[-length(retweet_id)])]

This error disappears when I exclude the records with retweet_id field from dataset. I think this might be caused by assigning id_str in line:

retweet_id <- json_tweet$retweeted_status$id_str

I confirm that this error occurs

Hi @michalilski and @janpawlowskiof , thanks for reporting the issue. However, I couldn't reproduce this issue from my environment (R version 3.6.1). Just wondering which R version were you using?

I am using R version 4.1.2.