
Add to hackage & stackage

flip111 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hello, i searched on hackage for this package but i couldn't find it. Would you consider adding this package to hackage? Also adding it to stackage would be nice so that it can be installed with the stack tool.

Looks like a nice library ๐Ÿ˜„ I understand your reasons, would be nice to have some more exposure

nh2 commented

That being said, with what libui currently supports, the ability to build complex production apps is really limited

@yamadapc Can you elaborate on what the limitations are that you know of? Would be very good to know.

I don't feel good about pushing something I don't use to people, so that's how it is right now.

Nonono! :) Just because you're not using something doesn't mean others would't find it hugely useful!

UI libaries in Haskel are sorely needed, please do go ahead and make the Hackage/Stackage releases.

There's no point feeling under self-pressure that something is not good enough, it may well be good enough for others' use cases. If you're explicit about whether you plan to change things a lot, nobody will complain to you to make something available before you think it's ready. ๐Ÿ‘