pre-BeSt address concept schemes
pvdbosch opened this issue · 1 comments
pvdbosch commented
Because link person-BeSt address isn't available yet, the old address coding schemes still are in use for a while.
Proposition to:
- add StreetNrCode to the vocabularies:
StreetNrCode - Straatcode rijksregister | Code rue RN
Definition: Street code assigned by National Registry | Straatcode toegewezen door rijksregister | Code rue attribué par RN
comments: 4 digits long. Unique within a municipality.
(more info:
- Clarify structure of MunicipalityCode (BeSt = NIS = 5 digits)
add in comments: 5 digits long, same value as the NIS municipality code
Edited 26/6: as Véronique indicated, BeSt and NIS municipality codes are the same codelist, no need to have both. Just propose to clarify structure in comments.
pvdbosch commented