Rami Belguith

Hi there! 👋 I'm Rami Belguith

Passionate Software Developer

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🚀 Welcome to my GitHub! I'm a computer science student in France and a passionate software developer dedicated to building personal projects and contributing to others, all while continually learning .

What I Do

💻 I have a wealth of experience in full-stack development, adept at utilizing a variety of frameworks, languages, and databases to create robust and scalable applications.

Frameworks: Flask - Angular - Spring Boot

Languages: Python - TypeScript - C - C# - OCaml - Java - JavaScript

Web : HTML - CSS - XML technologies

Databases : MySQL - Oracle

Get In Touch

📫 Feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions, collaboration ideas, or just want to chat about technology and coding. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

Let's Connect

🌐 Check out my repositories to see my projects and contributions. Don't forget to give them a star if you find them interesting!