
Quickstart not working on Mac OS El Capitan

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After banging my head on this, I finally have it working. I was trying to run through the quickstart tutorial but could not get rake db:reset to work.

It turns out, that the napa 0.5.1 gem is not compatible with Mac OS 10.11.5 El Capitan and it reverts to napa 0.4.0 and tries to use a mish mashh of gems.

What fixes it for me was:
bundle install napa
cd into people-service
edit the gemfile
change active-record to 4.2.0 from 4.0.0
and specify
gem 'napa', '~> 0.5.0'

Then bundle install and then a rake db:reset will work

This method also worked for Ubuntu 15.10 with Ruby 2.3.0

I was just running in to this issue, thanks!