
Getting Exception when do call get DB Info using couch.dbs.get(dbName)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,
I tried this with provided Basic example still getting the same error. Please help with the same.

upickle.Invalid$Data: Key Missing: committed_update_seq (data: Obj(ArrayBuffer((db_name,Str(couchdb-scala-basic-example)), (update_seq,Str(3-g1AAAABXeJzLYWBgYMpgTmEQTM4vTc5ISXLIyU9OzMnILy7JAUklMiTV____PyuREY-iPBYgydAApP6D1TJlAQCZ4Rxv)), (sizes,Obj(ArrayBuffer((file,Num(16747.0)), (external,Num(425.0)), (active,Num(921.0))))), (purge_seq,Num(0.0)), (other,Obj(ArrayBuffer((data_size,Num(425.0))))), (doc_del_count,Num(0.0)), (doc_count,Num(3.0)), (disk_size,Num(16747.0)), (disk_format_version,Num(6.0)), (data_size,Num(921.0)), (compact_running,False), (instance_start_time,Str(0)))))

Thanks for reporting this @sunnypawale! Can you confirm that you are testing this on CouchDb V2.0? Currently couchdb-scala has only been tested on v1.6.x

@beloglazov I think this is an issue with the CouchDb version. The API data-models have changed in V2.0 compared to 1.6.x, and so the tests fail as well.