
USMT error during migration for users who have a space in their username

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
In the context of a single computer that is source and destination at the same time, when I try to execute the migration of an existing profile in the store, to another username, it happens that if the source user contains a space in his username , it gives a USMT error which is logged in LOGS/, but it doesn't show up in the Super Grate screen log.

To Reproduce

  • Windows 10/11 PRO
  • SuperGrate

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1.- Open SuperGrate as Administrator.
2.- Select the computer itself as the destination computer.
3.- Click on "Warehouse List". Select profile saved in store whose source user has a space in its name, for example "Antonio Garcia", and set destination user "antonio.garcia"
4.- Click "Start"

The process on the Super Grate screen seems to finish successfully (attached screenshot), however, if we look in C:/Users, we do not see the directory of the new user "antonio.garcia" and if we go to the LOGS/SuperGrate_XXXXXXX.txt we observe the error that I attach below.

Expected behavior
It should successfully complete the migration and create the user directory at C:/Users.




[ÉXITO]<13:01:46> USMT cargado exitosamente.

[INFO]<13:01:46> Transfiriendo estado del usuario a DESKTOP-XXXXXXX...

[ÉXITO]<13:01:47> Estado del usuario transferido exitosamente.

[INFO]<13:01:47> El usuario DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\Antonio Garcia se aplicará como DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\antonio.garcia.

[INFO]<13:01:47> Aplicando estado del usuario DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\Antonio Garcia en DESKTOP-XXXXXXX....

[DETALLADO]<13:01:47> Esperando a que loadstate termine...

[DETALLADO]<13:01:48> 2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] LOADSTATE.EXE[gle=0x000000b7]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] USMT Started at 2023/08/29:13:01:48.005

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] Command line: C:\SuperGrate\loadstate.exe C:\SuperGrate /ue:*\* /ui:S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXXX-YYYYYYYYYY-ZZZZZZZZZ-1005 /l:SuperGrate.log /progress:SuperGrate.progress /config:Config_AppsAndSettings.xml /i:MigUser.xml /i:MigSgAdditional.xml /c /r:3 /lac /lae /mu:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\Antonio Garcia:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\antonio.garcia

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] Failed.[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000]   An error occurred processing the command line.

  C:\SuperGrate\loadstate.exe C:\SuperGrate /ue:*\* /ui:S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXXX-YYYYYYYYYY-ZZZZZZZZZ-1005 /l:SuperGrate.log /progress:SuperGrate.progress /config:Config_AppsAndSettings.xml /i:MigUser.xml /i:MigSgAdditional.xml /c /r:3 /lac /lae ##ERROR## --> /mu:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\Antonio Garcia:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\antonio.garcia

  The source-to-target user account mapping is invalid for /mu[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] USMT Completed at 2023/08/29:13:01:48.007[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] ----------------------------------- USMT ERROR SUMMARY -----------------------------------[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000]  USMT error code 11: [gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] | An error occurred processing the command line.[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] | C:\SuperGrate\loadstate.exe C:\SuperGrate /ue:\* /ui:S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXXX-YYYYYYYYYY-ZZZZZZZZZ-1005 /l:SuperGrate.log /progress:SuperGrate.progress /config:Config_AppsAndSettings.xml /i:MigUser.xml /i:MigSgAdditional.xml /c /r:3 /lac /lae ##ERROR## --> /mu:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\Antonio Garcia:DESKTOP-XXXXXXX\antonio.garcia[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] | The source-to-target user account mapping is invalid for /mu[gle=0x00000002]

2023-08-29 13:01:48, Info                  [0x000000] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[gle=0x00000002]

[ÉXITO]<13:01:48> USMT terminado.

[INFO]<13:01:51> Eliminando USMT de DESKTOP-XXXXXXX...

[ÉXITO]<13:01:52> USMT eliminado exitosamente.

[INFO]<13:01:52> ¡Listo!

[INFO]<13:03:43> Guardando registro en .\LOGS...


To retrieve the logs, click "File", the select "Save log..." Copy the contents of the log file and paste it here.
Refrain from copying and pasting the log from the console since it does not output verbose information.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

@krisdb2009 fyi