
Additional CPU & GPU temperature SMC keys

beltex opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Minor
  • No Mac with more than two GPUs, correct? 15"/17" MacBook Pro & Mac Pro
  • As for CPU, do individual cores count? Unlikely each has a temperature sensor, maybe in the newer chips. If not, again, should be a max of two separate CPUs (Mac Pro)
    • Highest current is dual hexa-core (24 logical) Mac Pro
    • We can get the number of physical cores at runtime via Mach call, but this won't help as Temperature enum is fixed

I submitted a list in #22. (Also includes voltage, current, and power)

This was addressed in #23 with the new SMCKit.allUnknownTemperatureSensors(), which when paired with SMCKit.allKnownTemperatureSensors(), provides a complete list for the machine in question.