SMCWrite error while setting the fan PRM
Taktoshi opened this issue · 5 comments
When I tried to write smc to set the fan RPM, it returned like this "smc.swift:callSMC(inputStruct:outputStruct:) - IOReturn = -536870207 - kSMC = 0". I figured out the IOReturn code means kIOReturnNotPrivileged. Does anyone have ideas how to solve this problem?
Hi, I'm trying to solve this issue right now too. The program needs root privileges to write to SMC.
I don't know how to elevate a swift cocoa app to admin however. If it was a CLI application you could just run it with sudo
Sorry, I know you've closed this.
I want to add on that root privileges in swift needs a privilege helper (e.g. here) to do certain actions. I think you need a paid-up Apple Developer account to do this, but it may be possible to self-sign? I'm not sure.
There's some info from Apple here on code signing and security.
Thanks for your reply. I had solved this issue by the method exactly you said which is the privileged helper. I had achieved the function on my Mac through an apple developer certify (not paid). But I don't know if I can run this on others ' mac. It's my first time to make a Mac app just for fun.
Ah good stuff! Glad you got it working. Could you tell me how to get an Apple Dev cert? Or a link to some resources? I'm mucking about with a mac for the first time, all this security stuff is completely new to me!
Just in Xcode preference, in accounts click plus button to add your Apple ID. I just do that