
bem cp command

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

BEM Tools Copy


Install BEM Tools copy plugin as simple npm module:

npm install bem-tools-cp

CLI usage

BEM Tool Copy


  completion : Shell completion

  -h, --help : Help
  -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL : Name(s) of level. This option can be used multiple times

  SOURCE : source (required)
  DESTINATION : destination (required)

There are two required arguments: source and destination and level option with can be set multiple times.

Source argument consist of two parts:

  • level
  • BEM entity declaration (with optional tech suffix(es))

Valid source argument examples:

  • block1
  • block1__elem1
  • block1_mod1
  • block1_mod1_val1
  • block1__elem1_mod1_val1
  • block1.js
  • block1.{js,css}
  • common.blocks/block1
  • {common,desktop}.blocks/block1
  • *.blocks/block1

And all of possible level, block and tech combinations which satisfies these basic rules.

Destination argument should be strict. It can not contain any wildcard in level part. Also it can not contain tech part.

Valid destination argument examples:

  • block1
  • block1__elem1
  • block1_mod1
  • block1_mod1_val1
  • block1__elem1_mod1_val1
  • common.blocks/block1

In case of omitted source and optional levels all project levels will be used. Destination level will be ignored if source level and optional levels are resolved into multiple project levels.

CLI usage examples

Copy block to another block on all of project levels:

bem-tools cp block1 block2

Copy block to another block on common.blocks project level:

bem-tools cp common.blocks/block1 block2


bem-tools cp block1 block2 -l common.blocks

Copy block to another block on common.blocks and desktop.blocks project levels:

bem-tools cp {common,desktop}.blocks/block1 block2


bem-tools cp block1 block2 -l common.blocks -l desktop.blocks

Copy block to another block on all touch project levels:

bem-tools cp touch-*/block1 block2

Copy element to another element inside one block:

bem-tools cp block1__elem1 block1__elem2

Copy element between different blocks:

bem-tools cp block1__elem1 block2

or (with renaming element):

bem-tools cp block1__elem1 block2__elem2

Copy block modifier inside one block:

bem-tools cp block1_mod1 block1_mod2

Copy block modifier value inside the on of the block modifiers:

bem-tools cp block1_mod1_val1 block1_mod1_val2

Copy block modifier value to another modifier of the same block

bem-tools cp block1_mod1_val1 block1_mod2

or (with renaming modifier value):

bem-tools cp block1_mod1_val1 block1_mod2_val2

Copy block modifier to another block:

bem-tools cp block1_mod1 block2_mod1

or (with renaming modifier name):

bem-tools cp block1_mod1 block2_mod2

Copy block element modifier to another element inside one block

bem-tools cp block1_elem1_mod1 block1__elem1_mod2

Copy block element modifier value

bem-tools cp block1_elem1_mod1_value1 block1__elem1_mod1_value2

Copy block element modifier to element from the second block

bem-tools cp block1_elem1_mod1 block2__elem2

or (with renaming modifier)

bem-tools cp block1_elem1_mod1 block2__elem2_mod2

API usage

BEM Tools cp also can be used from JS API


const cp = require('bem-tools-cp');

cp('common.blocks/block1', 'block2', ['desktop.blocks', 'touch-pad.blocks'])
    .then((entities) => {
