
New Plugin

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Developers,
ill like that gulp Plugin and write my first plugin, and if you like it, i can try to push it to github.
But my problem is that i cannot bring it to my gulp.

Ill override the "addClassesToSVGElement" file and than it works, but wanne have my own file.
I am very new to this. Ill read the manual here:
but it doesnt work, do you have any glue ?

Thanks very much!
Sorry for my bad english.

Hi @jolution,

Did you mean you added a plugin to perform SVG optimisation? If so it's probably best to discuss it in the SVGO issue tracker.

To use a separate file you would need to modify to use your plugin by default.

Hi @ben-eb,

Thanks for your fast Feedback.

Yes i (try to) add a plugin to perform SVG optimisation and add the new name to the yml file, but nothing happend.

Ok, if its the best, ill ask in the issue tracker by svgo.
