A simple gem helping you building includes
scopes to load dependent associations, thus keeping constant-complexity queries.
Just indicate dependencies as following:
def Parent
def full_name
set_dependencies_for :full_name, :parent_column_attribute
def Child
belongs_to :parent
def full_name
"#{parent.full_name}: #{child_column_attribute}"
set_dependencies_for :full_name, [:model_attribute, parent: :full_name]
Then when it comes to display a collection of Child
, normally you would do :
Child.all.map(&:full_name) # Results in an N + 1 query
To prevent the N + 1 query, use the following scope :
Child.all.includes_iidx(:full_name).map(&:full_name) # Constant query. Yay !
For each requested attribute passed to includes_iidx
, all dependent models will be included.
Globalize is automatically supported. You can put a translated attribute in a set of dependancies, when requested the translations
association will be loaded.