
OSGi version range for Guava is too strict

guw opened this issue · 3 comments

guw commented

In Eclipse we are moving away from having too strict version on package imports for Guava. It caused a quite a few issues over the years. It would be great if the OSGi metadata can be relaxed to only have a lower bound on the Guava package imports.

See eclipse-equinox/equinox#304 (comment) for more details.

I'm not really sure what to do here because this is automatically done by the bnd plugin.

There is common configuration like descriptions,

bundle {
properties = {
mapOf("project.description" to it)
"Bundle-License" to "",
"Build-Jdk-Spec" to java.toolchain.languageVersion.get(),
"Implementation-Title" to project.description,
"Bundle-Description" to project.description,
"Implementation-Version" to version,
"-noextraheaders" to true,
"-reproducible" to true,
"-snapshot" to "SNAPSHOT"))

and project-specific like package exports,

tasks.jar {
"Bundle-SymbolicName" to "com.github.ben-manes.caffeine.guava",
"Import-Package" to listOf(
"Export-Package" to "com.github.benmanes.caffeine.guava",
"Automatic-Module-Name" to "com.github.benmanes.caffeine.guava"))

The plugin is the one setting the version based on the dependencies, e.g.

Export-Package: com.github.benmanes.caffeine.guava;uses:="com.github.b

The closest I see their instruction -nodefaultversion to "not add a default version to exported packages when no version is present." I don't know if that's desired or if it would cause more pains?

This package could use a very old version of Guava, but I also think keeping the dependency up to date is worthwhile. I guess if we add the version tag ourselves then it won't be computed and we could use an old version as a minimum, like ;version=20.0. wdyt?

I am not very familiar with osgi and rely on bnd + pax-exam tests to be compliant. Therefore any changes here relies on experts as I'll be ignorant to whether a suggested change is good or bad, which makes me hesitant to muck around too much.

I guess if we add the version tag ourselves then it won't be computed and we could use an old version as a minimum, like ;version=20.0. wdyt?

Yes that should work. Furthermore you don't have to list all packages you need explicitly. You could do something like:*;version="20.0"
and the bnd-lib will compute the actually used bundles for you automatically.
To be sure I suggest you inspect the generated manifest from a local/CI build (at least that's what I'm usually doing in such cases).

guw commented

@ben-manes Any chance you can push a new release with the updated jars? We are being hit by the issue again (salesforce/bazel-vscode-java#109)