
Sundered Isles oracles with a cursed variant won't roll

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When doing some game and character setup, I discovered that a lot of the Sundered Isles oracles don't do anything when you click on them, specifically all oracles that have a cursed variant. The matching cursed oracle works fine - e.g. Sea Cave Features won't roll, but Sea Cave Cursed Features will.

ben commented

Odd, I'm not able to reproduce this. When I click "SI / Ruin / Ruin First Look", it rolls the cursed die, and occasionally I get a cursed result when that die comes up 💀:

CleanShot 2024-10-30 at 17 05 58

CleanShot 2024-10-30 at 17 06 08

Can you be more specific in what you did to get this to happen? I'd love to fix it if it's a problem.

Nothing. I just tried to roll it. I double checked that the system was up to date, and even made a new world to check it wasn't something wierd and corrupted with that instance. Will record and show you. - here, ten minutes of amazing clicky clicky (non) action.

I just checked in Chrome too to make sure that it's not somehow a browser issue

As per my testing for 1034 enabling Dice So Nice makes the Oracles work properly again, regardless of any other settings in DSN or the IS/SF module.

Updated my DSN and this behavior persists - oracles with a cursed variant only roll with DSN enabled.

ben commented

Aha, it's to do with DSN not being enabled. I found the issue, it's the same as #1034. I'll ship a release in just a bit.

ben commented

Fixed in release 1.24.5, thanks!