
pascal_120.npz data

TeiZouen opened this issue · 2 comments

In the paper, you provided a link to download the PASCAL VOC images from Google Drive (, but it seems that the URL is currently inaccessible, and I am unable to download the images.
As these images are crucial for replicating and furthering the research described in your paper, I kindly request your assistance in providing an alternative download link or any instructions on how to access the dataset.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I greatly appreciate your work and would be grateful for any assistance you can provide.

Looking forward to your response.

it has been accidently deleted. you can download images from here:

Thank you for providing the URL for the data.
The data consists of the following.

However, in the params.json file, the example dataset_path configuration is pascal_120.npz.
Which data above should be used for the dataset_path?
"train_args": {
"noise": 25,
"epoch": 30,
"batch_size": 15,
"learning_rate": 1e-05,
"dataset_path": "pascal_120.npz",
"log_dir": "saved_models/acsc1",
"load_path": "saved_models/acsc1/epoch_28",
"name": "acsc1",
"save_dir": "saved_models/acsc1",
"final_loss": 0.02842339333880227,
"final_psnr": 28.915733976320833

Looking forward to your response.