
Improvements to DogeHouse bots?

jaipack17 opened this issue · 1 comments

DogeHouse bots as far as I know cannot ping users or send text in markdown example test or send emojis or send clickable links.

I would love to see Implementation of markdown, emojis and mentions for bot accounts as well.

I have no alternatives for this yet except using whispers. I would love to see the implementation of linebreak as well because as of now its very tedious to display a help command in chat since I dont have control on text indentation and whitespace in chat. Implementation of embeds will also be really good. Having a good documentation and a bit more convenient way of making dogehouse bots will gather the community to make dogehouse bots. I personally have a great experience on making a bot thats under development - DogeCop. But really faced problems mentioning users, sending clickable links, sending emojis and markdown text.

Implementation of the Bot tag not only on the profile of the bot account but also in chat and in the speakers and listeners tab will help distinguish between bots and humans more efficiently. A way to read mentions in a message using a bot to fetch data for commands such as afk, userinfo etc. With a growing platform. I am sure these things will be taken into consideration fairly soon :)

Keep up the great work Ben and contributors and anyone behind what dogehouse really is today! Hope to see these changes in the future :)

With love,

Oh well. I figured out. I had to use Dolma to decode the string.