
Need promo for vsinder

ManPython opened this issue · 1 comments

As a bored user when see "There are no more profiles, try changing your criteria or come back later" need see link to promo vsinder to install it
eg. log+ link (

Show stats by small charts how users growing, tags aquired, type matching but not for free! User need some points as "liked user" to reach more function. We playing and gaming here to go in next phase : )
Need some "market", eg. points for code execution from code pics, not only swim yes/not, with this other type input as tasks.
Sooo.. there is many users with problems.. bugs.. : )
Give longer card with some case to solve as "to solve" or "buged".. then we have new type of users and tags in game.. "solvers" and "debugers".
On this promo link to this post.. to show how to grow.. how to organize algorithms to be interested. (Think like capchta model)

My name is ManPython and I challenge you here as stranger matched or unmatched! 👯

This feels generally in line with #164 and #222. Some features like this would definitely make the app more fun and might attract a larger user base.