
BUG Eroding Salt Mulch

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Hey, I have the following problem with the quest with this Eroding Salt Mulch because if I make 4 Sandy mulch and a Normal Mulch block in the middle and click on it with this Eroding Salt Mulch, unfortunately nothing happens, which means I can't get any further in the quest because I can't get to the liquid

so u placed mulch and right clicked it with eroding salt mulch? I was just able to make the eroding fluid myself.

Yes, I did but nothing happens :(

You can try again with the salt in your offhand.

Okay, it worked now in the offhand but in the one YouTube video he has it in the mainhand

Normally it should work in the main hand, but sometimes it doesn't and you have to reload the game but using it in the offhand is a faster way around for it.

Yes, thank you for the quick support and I hope for many cool further updates for the modpack, it's really a lot of fun :)

mine is having the same problem, I click on it with Eroding Salt Mulch and nothing happens to the mulch

mine is having the same problem, I click on it with Eroding Salt Mulch and nothing happens to the mulch

Please create a new thread as your bug is not the one mentioned before. This one is for "main hand not always working" Vs not working at all.

Please post, in a new thread, what version of the pack and if your paying single player or server.

o meu está tendendo o mesmo problema, eu clico nele com Eroding Salt Mulch e nada acontece com a cobertura morte

Por favor, crie um novo tópico, pois seu bug não é o mencionado antes. Este é para "mão principal nem sempre funciona" Vs não funciona em tudo.

Por favor, publique, em um novo tópico, qual versão do pacote e se você paga single player ou servidor.

Thank you, following the tips, I'll be able to solve it, I'm using the new version