
Auto-scaling within a region

nkev opened this issue · 3 comments

nkev commented

This is very cool!

I was just pondering into the future about how this would work with auto-scaling in both a single region as well as multiple regions.

For example, imagine this sample app in the ord region set to horizontally auto-scale 1-10 nodes (1 master and up to 9 read replicas) but also replicate to the lhr and syd regions, which in turn auto-scale their reads as necessary.

THAT would be a game changer.. :) I bet Kurt from is all over this idea..

Thanks, @nkev! Kurt and I chat regularly about some fun ideas for deploying this stuff out. I'm working on integrating at a lower level so that the replication is managed transparently and the end user doesn't have to worry about integration. It should automagically work with any auto-scaling scheme too so that'll be fun. :)

nkev commented

Hey Ben,

Just wanted to let you know this demo seems to be down in 2 regions, preventing the increment button from working:


The status page says all is well:


I know it's only a quick demo you knocked up, but this is the kind of scenario the app should handle gracefully.

@nkev Yes, you're correct. There were some bugs that came out in the beta so I'm refactoring the read replication a bit. I ended up taking down the demo for now until I get those issues resolved.