
Update cron docs to use VACUUM instead

benbjohnson opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Apparently the backup command is not transactional but VACUUM is.

VACUUM INTO backups are transactional, but the .backup mechanism is not:

Ben I suggest updating that cron backups documentation page to recommend VACUUM INTO instead!

ref. is when I first figured this out:

/home/simon/bin/sqlite3 data.db "vacuum into '/tmp/backup.db'"

I had a go at this in #57

It looks like it's not quite as simple as "VACUUM INTO is always better than .backup" - there are some subtleties. says

The VACUUM command with an INTO clause is an alternative to the backup API for generating backup copies of a live database. The advantage of using VACUUM INTO is that the resulting backup database is minimal in size and hence the amount of filesystem I/O may be reduced. Also, all deleted content is purged from the backup, leaving behind no forensic traces. On the other hand, the backup API uses fewer CPU cycles and can be executed incrementally.

Something I don't understand is what "can be executed incrementally" refers to with regards to the backup API - maybe that's something you can do with the C interface that isn't relevant to running .backup using the SQLite CLI tool.

Merged. Thanks everybody!

Merging #57 didn't close this issue automatically, but I understand the matter is already resolved ๐Ÿ‘