
Apache Kafka

benbjohnson opened this issue Β· 26 comments


Status: Proposal

Apache Kafka is a scalable, distributed publish-subscribe messaging system. It allows organizations to use it as an event bus and decouple systems from one another.


  • Basics of Apache Kafka
  • Replication
  • Internals / Zookeeper interaction


+1 for this. Your raft explanation was magnificent. Thanks!

Update: I finally started working on this. The Raft visualization was time intensive so I've been trying to find a way to make the format useful while also making it easier to code up. I'm working on getting D3.js visualizations embeddable inside so that I can do a better narrative around the visualization. Something sort of similar to Mike Bostock's algorithm visualization post:

I'll post the narrative for review once I get it written up. I'd love some feedback at that point before I really dig into the visualization side.

Nice, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Ben Johnson

Update: I finally started working on this. The Raft visualization was
time intensive so I've been trying to find a way to make the format useful
while also making it easier to code up. I'm working on getting D3.js
visualizations embeddable inside so that I can do a better
narrative around the visualization. Something sort of similar to Mike
Bostock's algorithm visualization post:

I'll post the narrative for review once I get it written up. I'd love some
feedback at that point before I really dig into the visualization side.

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#4 (comment)

Fantastic. Looking forward to it. Thanks for update.

Really basic start to the Kafka post:

Just some "intro to log processing" and a simple log visualization. I was going to post larger chunks but I figured that I'd get some feedback as I go. Feedback welcome!

Also, my goal is to make the posts and visualizations accessible on mobile devices so feedback is welcome there too.

Thanks for including me on this. Good to see it getting going. Nice introductory visual.

I would say that it makes more than just a software developer's job easier -- in fact, it makes system designers' job easier. It's bigger than just developers IMHO.

xo4n commented


This would be wonderful!

Still working on it? Need any help?

@tobegit3hub thanks but i'm moving TSLD over to a video format and it's been slow to learn all the video tools. i'll hopefully start getting some videos out soon. :fingers_crossed: :)

Great! Thanks for all your contribution @benbjohnson πŸ‘

Thanks for all your contribution @benbjohnson πŸ‘

@benbjohnson πŸ‘ Very cool.

@benbjohnson πŸ‘Fantastic.Looking forward for years.

Looking forward for years.

Sounds really great and looking forward to it

Wow just discover this! I Want MORE !

hey, is that still alive...?

I don't think so 😒

The Apache Kafka had been released 3.1.0 on 24 Jan 2022 which using the Kraft. Any update for this?

thx looking forward new subjects

@zwGithubStation I am afraid this project is no more maintained 😒