
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




npm i 'github:benchambule/lottus.js#main'  


Let's build a bot that reverses a string, and it is triggered by the @reverse keyword. The bot will receive a sentence like @reverse hello world and return dlrow olleh as a response. This bot does not need a session because there's no follow-up requests

'use strict';

const {Bot} = require('lottus.js');

var reverse = new Bot(
        name: "reverse", 
        entrypoint: 'main', 
        keyword: "@reverse", 
        inline: true, // This bot is inline, so it won't create a session
        description: "Reverses a provided string" 

reverse.at('main', function(request, context){
    const prompt = request.prompt.replace(context.bot.keyword, "").trim();
    const menu = {
        text: '👉 ' + prompt.split("").reverse().join(""), 
        final: true

    return {
        menu: menu

console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse giberish"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse bonjour le monde"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse ola mundo"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse hello world"}));

Let's update our previous bot to be respond accordind to the language. We will be listening to request.lang to check if it's set to 'pt' or 'en'. If the request.lang is not set, we will default to 'en'. If request.lang is other than 'en' and 'pt' we will respond with a message informing the customer that the provided language is unknown or not implemented yet.

'use strict';

const {Bot} = require('lottus.js');

var reverse = new Bot(
        name: "reverse", 
        entrypoint: 'main', 
        keyword: "@reverse", 
        inline: true, // This bot is inline, so it won't create a session
        description: "Reverses a provided string" 

reverse.intercept('main', (request) => {
        console.log("request before", request);
        request.lang = 'en';
        console.log("request after", request);
        return {
            request: request

    if(request.lang != 'pt'  && request.lang != 'en'){
        const menu = {
            title: 'lang cannot be ' +  "'" + request.lang+ "'" + ". lang should be 'en' or 'pt'",
            final: true
        return {
            menu: menu

reverse.at('main', function(request, context){
    const txt = request.lang == 'pt'? 'Frase invertida' : 'Reversed sentence';
    const prompt = request.prompt.replace(context.bot.keyword, "").trim();
    const menu = {
        title: txt,
        text: prompt.split("").reverse().join(""), 
        final: true

    return {
        menu: menu

console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse giberish"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse bonjour le monde", lang:"fr"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse ola mundo", lang:"pt"}));
console.log(reverse.process({msisdn: 123, prompt:"@reverse hello world", lang:"en"}));

Let's build another bot, this time it will have 3 menus and the user can navigate back and forth between between the menus. For this bot, we will need a session manager/storage implementation that the bot will use.

'use strict';

const {Bot, InMemorySessionManager} = require('lottus.js');

const menus = [
        name: "welcome",
        title: "Welcome",
        message: "Language | Idioma",
        options: [
            {key:1, label:"English", menu:"english"},
            {key:2, label:"Portugues", menu:"portuguese"},

        name: "english",
        title: "English",
        message: "This menu is in english",
        options: [
            {key:0, label:"Back", menu:"welcome"}

        name: "portuguese",
        title: "Portugues",
        message: "Este menu está em portugues",
        options: [
            {key:0, label:"Voltar", menu:"welcome"}

var bot = new Bot(
        name: "bot", 
        entrypoint: 'welcome', 
        keyword: "@bot", 
        inline: false, 
        description: "This is an enquiry bot",
        sessionManager: new InMemorySessionManager(), // This is where the session will be stored, an alternative implementation can be provided, i.e., file based or database based, or something else.


console.log(bot.process({msisdn:123, prompt:"@bot"}));
console.log(bot.process({msisdn:123, prompt:"1"}));

Let's now ensure that only the msisdn 123 can use the above bot

'use strict';

const {Bot, InMemorySessionManager} = require('lottus.js');

const menus = [
        name: "welcome",
        title: "Welcome",
        message: "Language | Idioma",
        options: [
            {key:1, label:"English", menu:"english"},
            {key:2, label:"Portugues", menu:"portuguese"},

        name: "english",
        title: "English",
        message: "This menu is in english",
        options: [
            {key:0, label:"Back", menu:"welcome"}

        name: "portuguese",
        title: "Portugues",
        message: "Este menu está em portugues",
        options: [
            {key:0, label:"Voltar", menu:"welcome"}

var bot = new Bot(
        name: "bot", 
        entrypoint: 'welcome', 
        keyword: "@bot", 
        inline: false, 
        description: "This is an enquiry bot",
        sessionManager: new InMemorySessionManager(), // This is where the session will be stored, an alternative implementation can be provided, i.e., file based or database based, or something else.


bot.intercept('*', function(request){
    if(request.msisdn.toString() !== '123'){
        const menu = {
            title: "This bot is only available for the msisdn 123",
            final: true
        return {
            menu: menu

console.log(bot.process({msisdn:123, prompt:"@bot"}));