WeblocOpener is a simple way to open, edit, create MacOS Safari .webloc files on Windows and Debian GNU/Linux.
Inno SetupApache-2.0
- 1day41
- 4ce-coder
- AdamDempseyEngland
- andreiboscoOntario Tech (Canada)
- angel-kFrance
- b-TeleGo
- benchdoosInno.Tech
- bja-engineeringCydonia Mensae
- caneringTampa, FL
- chiaojfang
- Comaxim
- Coool🇪🇺
- dmryoz
- edoolittleFirst Nations University of Canada
- fishman8
- git-systemd
- JacobWKlein
- jpinnixPixelgrazer
- konfuzius
- LeeBinder
- leoyen98
- lochotzke
- lucaspestanaBrésil
- nclmi like having company, yes
- Niels-NTGThe Netherlands
- qwert2i
- royswale
- sable-starflower
- senthilvs7
- sky923Seoul
- VincentBounce
- Wdavery
- wjl12Boston, MA
- xelehSpain
- zbfinch