
Metadata batch edit breaking epub files

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This is actually related to the previous issue I've had that was marked as resolved - The metadata editor would give me an error as seen here:

but now I found out how the files are being corrupted. I'm batch editing the files, and the editor is breaking the package.opf file.
I manually correct the error, but after batch editing it a second time, the file breaks again. Not sure why.
^ basically above was in correct format, but after pressing batch edit, the file broke again and now looks like this

more details: I'm trying to batch edit the following fields:

OK, it looks like something might be wrong when using the batch edit to replace Creator 2 with a blank string. I'll investigate...

Also, is there a way to batch edit the creator 1 and 2 type? like set them to author/illustrator etc.?

I've confirmed the error: the code is not handling multiple creators with EPUB3 files correctly when replacing fields with an empty string.

I think the problem has been dealt with. And as a bonus for waiting for patiently, I've also added the ability to batch set the creator1 and creator2 roles! Check out 1.8.11.