
Cannot load image in blog or image tag

FilledStacks opened this issue · 1 comments

I am probably missing somethings and I'm sorry if I'm being a bit daft. This isn't exactly an issue (I think) but I can't get any of the images to load in a blog post that's in the public folder.

When I run your blog it works fine. When I run the boiler plate code I don't see the images in the post. I copied over the exact image structure for the github contributions blog you did.


  • .vuepress
    • public
      • images
        • 2019-02-26-contribution-graph.png

But when I reference it in the .md file

![My GitHub contribution graph](/images/2019/2019-02-26-contribution-graph.png)

It fails to load the image. Error

2019-02-26-contribution-graph.png:1 GET http://localhost:8080/images/2019/2019-02-26-contribution-graph.png 404 (Not Found)

I resorted to trying to use your image from original blog to see if I can get it to work based on the exact code you have and it's not working. I've used many other images with simpler names and none of them load.

Is there anything that I'm missing? First time VuePress user, a little bit above beginner level Vue developer.

I also have the problem of using the tag in the BlogPostPreview.vue file binding to an image with the same path and it fails as well.

Hi, I decided to go with Gridsome and their starter blog kit instead. Everything worked out of the box. I'll close this issue for now.