
Error when installing newest version

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • react-native version: 0.63.4
  • react-navigation version: 5.15.12
  • react-navigation-collapsible version: 5.10.1
  • Platform (iOS/Android): Both
  • react-native init or Expo: react-native


Hey, I just submitted the pull request #183 which added a new disableOpacity configuration, which was published a few hours ago.

I just tried to update the library to the latest version by running yarn upgrade react-navigation-collapsible --latest, but it was raising the following error:

Exit code: 1
Command: cd example && yarn && cd .. && yarn tsc
Directory: /Users/erickdesedas/Development/projects/ASSA/health-app-customer/node_modules/react-navigation-collapsible
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: example: No such file or directory

Trying to uninstall and install it again throws the same error.

Now, checking the changes for the latest version I see this in the package.json file:


Which appears to be causing the issue with "postinstall", as the example directory is not present in the published version.

Oops.... yeap. my mistake. on it. Thanks again @ericdsw

fixed on v5.10.2. Thanks!!

Perfect, thanks!
Amazing library btw