
Extra Header With Tab (e.g Facebook Group) customisation

Closed this issue · 8 comments


Loved your component. I use it in Expo. But there are questions:

  1. Is it possible to customize titles, for example, to add icons? I started trying to do it through a function, but an error occurred.

  2. Is it possible to make TabBar above a photo? Then if you make a translucent background for the panel, it can be beautifully. I thought to do it through a negative marginTop, but the panel shifted under the photo.

  3. For Extra Header With Tab (e.g. Facebook Group), if the list below is short, for example, 4-8 items, then it does not scroll. For small lists, ScrollView doesn't work here either. setSafeBounceHeight did not help. Maybe I did not use it correctly?

I think it will be useful to others.

Thanks @Latgals

  1. You should be able to customize everyting. Could you share your code and react-navigation version?

  2. I don't think I understand correctly. Do you mean making the header translucent?

  3. Yes, it's the one of limitations. I would suggest putting some dummy view on the bottom.

alz10 commented

Does the flicker/jumpy bug on Extra Header not yet fixed? Oh my god why react-native doesn't come up with a fix????


Clause 1 is fine. I understood everything myself. Thank you.
On point 2 I want something like in the picture.


@Latgals You meant Tabbar goes to top and Picture View is under the Tab?

If that's what you meant, I doesn't sound something doable with this module. 😢

Ok, then I will think up something else. :-) Thanks!

alz10 commented

@Latgals This is probably what you're looking at and it has no problem with Jumpy/Flickery Bug on Android

@Albert0405, Thank you very much. This is similar to what i need.

alz10 commented

becareful man, i just found out it has bug when you started scrolling on one tab then try to switch on other tab, the height of the header is somewhat buggy