
[REQ] fix license on GH

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, we just realized that we've never asked for it: can you please "standardize" the license file ?

Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, a GH "uncompliant" license file causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge:

(badge-generator URL:

You can easily set a "correct" one through the GH's license wizard tool.

Last but not least, we're revising the AUDIO category \ Tools section \ Alignment/synch subsection where your project is listed, so let us know how - in your opinion - we could improve our categorizations and links to resources in order to favor collaboration between developers (and therefore evolution) of listed projects.

Thanks in advance.

Updated the license file so it now says MIT when I go to that link

I'm not sure what you could do to improve it, it already seems pretty neatly laid out

Sorry for the late reply: it works now, thanks !