
Get root <svg> element

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Could you say, please, how can I in JavaScript get root <svg> element, which is added by Venn.js?

This example adds a 'defs' section to the svg (to add a drop shadow):

Thank you, if I understand correctly you propose use"#main_div_id svg").

I am having a bit different situation, I am trying to include Venn.js diagram into existing svg. So my svg structure looks like this:

<svg id="main-svg">
  ... some elements, for example <g> or <svg> ...
  <svg> // this is Venn.js root element
    <g class="venn-area venn-circle" data-venn-sets="0">...</g>

Maybe I should use :nth-child() and so on, but can you say, please, maybe there is a better solution.

If you pass a valid SVG element to the venn diagram, it will use it instead of creating a new one.

I feel like something like this will do what you want:

    <div><svg  width=800 height=800><svg id="venn"></svg></svg></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="../venn.js"></script>
// define sets and set set intersections
var sets = [ {sets: ['A'], size: 12},
             {sets: ['B'], size: 12},
             {sets: ['A','B'], size: 2}];

var chart = venn.VennDiagram();"#venn").datum(sets).call(chart);


You'll have to be careful with the width/height to get this to work, and you might need a svg transform to move the venn diagram to the correct location - but I think this should work

Thank you for response!

If you pass a valid SVG element to the venn diagram, it will use it instead of creating a new one.

So I just copy your example to create this gist and looks like new <svg> element still creates:


Could you say, please, what I miss?

You didn't miss anything - I gave you bad information (didn't test too closely =(. The element here"#venn") is always the parent of the svg, not the the svg itself.

However, using the same javascript and updating the html to:

<svg  width=800 height=800><g id="venn"><svg id="for_real_this_time"></svg></g></svg></div>

And venn.js won't create a new SVG element, and just use the one thats already created as the child of the"#venn") call:

screen shot 2018-04-10 at 2 57 24 pm

Yes, thank you!

I am summarize this as StackOverflow answer