
Invisible triple intersection

omri6846 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a scenario with 3 circles and venn.js can't draw the triple intersection, the problem is that the label is invisible and I want to show it in the intersection location.

the scenario:
var sets = [ {sets: ['A'], size: 1200, label:'1200'},
{sets: ['B'], size: 1200, label:'1200'},
{sets: ['C'], size: 1200, label:'1200'},
{sets: ['A','B'], size: 20, label:'20'},
{sets: ['B','C'], size: 20, label:'20'},
{sets: ['A','C'], size: 20, label:'20'},
{sets: ['B','C','A'], size: 10, label:'10'},];

the result:

I want to see the label "10" at the center of the Venn.
what can I do?

Did you figure out a way do make them intersect? If so how?