

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is the different accounts needs to be merged before ? I mean I can login with either google of fb of twitter or password, but they are all different user in the eyes of the app. This one still managed to find all avatars ? Is it This magical ?

suggestion : put an example in the readme, like in usage but with real data. Currently trying to play with it!

By default, the Meteor accounts system creates a separate user account for each service you login with. In order to merge those accounts together, you'd need to use a package like accounts-meld or link-accounts.

The way the Avatar package currently works, it looks at the object and gets the image URL from the linked service with the following priority: Twitter > Facebook > Google > GitHub > Instagram > Gravatar. In the future, the plan is to add UI to allow the user to select which avatar they want to use (Issue #10) and/or upload their own image (Issue #9).

Thanks for the interest!

I added a paragraph to the readme regarding linked services, merging acccounts, etc.