
defaultAvatarUrl is never used.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Check the logic here:

if (_.contains(validGravatars, Avatar.options.gravatarDefault)) {

Whether or not you set a value for gravatarDefault value, it is set to "404". And then at L122, the defaultAvatarUrl is not used if something is set for gravatarDefault.

Yeah, it's a little weird, but that's the way @moooji did it in order to hide/show initials and images. He also suggested maybe doing this server-side, but I don't know if that's worth the trouble. Any ideas? That || defaultUrl on line 122 is indeed useless, but there is one case where defaultUrl still gets used (when user is undefined L132).

Anyway, as I mentioned in the issue #16 comments, I'm currently working on some more changes to address all of this, so I'm not sure how your PR will fit in yet.

Thanks for the help! I'll keep you posted.

@yourcelf Check out version 0.6.0 when you have time. I ended up overhauling the initials/image/default logic. Should be more a little more clear now. Let me know what you think. Closing this issue now..