
Random errors are showing initials instead of avatars

Closed this issue · 3 comments

gdw2 commented

I've got a page with several facebook avatars (all of the same user). From refresh to refresh, I get different results. Usually they all show up, or they all don't, but sometimes I get a mix. In the debug tool's element browser, if I delete the SPAN associated with the initials, and remove the display: none property of the <img> tag, the image shows fine. I'm not sure what's causing the onerror to trip. I don't see any errors in the network tab of the debug tools.

Is this related to any currently-open issues? Or a new issue?

I've a PR in that solves this issue for me #67. I think the onerror fires because the images are loaded before the page has all the info it needs, then re-loaded reactively.

I think that the PR #69 is more appropriate to solve this problem

gdw2 commented

#69 works for me!